Is there anything more rewarding than waking up at the crack of dawn and prepare a nutritious breakfast for the whole family? Hell if I know. Unlike Mary Berry, I’m the person who: 1 – Barges in around dinner time tenderly shouting “Me Want Food”… Read more
29 Funny Fortune Cookie Messages To Kill Every Hope
Not going to Italy for Christmas, last year, made things incredibly less stressful and unexpectedly more complicated. If you spend the holidays at a place that is not your mamma’s, in fact, you cannot just show up, jump on the food like a hungry ferret… Read more
Passive-Aggressive Office Emails | 6 Ready-To-Use Templates
Planet Earth, Civilized World, 2016. A scientific study reveals that as our lives get increasingly more frantic, we don’t have time to fully express our emotions. As a consequence, we miss out on those precious, special moments like sending out Christmas cards, writing love letters… Read more
100 Days Project in Retrospect
So last year, for (more than) 100 Days in a row, I have invented a German word a day trying to express feelings that felt important, quirky or invisible. This is what I wrote before starting the project while the following are thoughts I’ve collected… Read more
6 Freaky Things About Berlin Startups
Unless “mystery shopper” and “cat sitter” really count as grownup jobs, it is fair to admit that I never had a job before moving to Germany. I had a family, though, and that family was led by two proud members of your average Italian working… Read more
How to Move in 7 Steps – The Tragically Funny Guide
I was 8 years old when my mother barged in with shocking news. “We’re moving!” The only person I knew who had moved was former elementary school classmate Anna. She vanished without saying goodbye on a Summer morning as if she was in some witness … Read more
A Video Game Made Me Gay and other Gamer Stories
Is it weird to constantly, obsessively wonder about what makes us, us? Why are some people atheist and other stainless-ly faithful? Stoners or clean? Why do some people go to bed early and others only feel like they exist in the quiet of the night?… Read more
The Human body is not made for running: I have proof
My friend Maria has two university degrees: one in communication and one in something that has to do with sport (I DON’T HAVE A FACT CHECKER OK?!). This makes me think that she must know the human body very well and must also be extremely… Read more
Cards Against Humanity additions that make a lot of sense
The Christmas holidays are a time of getting together, drinking like goats in the desert and playing board games. Sometimes playing card games and other games online casino has, check the top 10 online slot sites for reference, the fun these games give are superb! For… Read more
Uh oh. Speaking two languages is driving me nuts
My high school English teacher used to tell us stuff like, “Learning a foreign language changes you forever.” Despite being an obvious attempt to make us passionate about her subject, her words made sense to me — the kid who quoted obscure Buffy the Vampire… Read more
How to Write a Cover Letter: The Funny Guide
I wrote this originally for Uberlin Ever wondered why cover letters are called cover letters? That’s because they’re a cover-up, a fraud, a final attempt to reinforce all the lies you’ve shamelessly written on your resume and spice them up with some hardcore lip service.… Read more
How To Make Halloween Costumes Out Of Your Favourite Websites
On the Halloween of two years ago, I decided to dress up as my boyfriend and impersonated him in a video that managed to fool his dad and gained me a nomination to the Academy Awards (of my heart). This year, I resolved to step… Read more