Have you noticed how the web is saturated with tips and tricks about facing your fear of flying and nobody ever pays attention to the people who DON’T HAVE this problem?
They suffer too, you know?
They’re missing the paralysing terror excitement on the day before the flight, the cramps butterflies in their stomach at takeoff and the everlasting anxiety adrenaline during flight time.
If you’re one of these people and you feel your life is lacking a needed element of drama, the following guide is for you.
If you follow each step of this tutorial you’ll literally piss your pants every time you’re on a plane and you’ll finally have something to truly worry about in your life.
You’ll thank me.
1) Remember that Connecting means Dying
A lot of people mistakenly assume that the anxiety connected to flying starts when you step on a plane.
If you wanna be a real phobic you need to start panicking months in advance, while purchasing your plane ticket.
Just do anything you possibly can to avoid connecting flights. If the Universe decides that you’re lucky enough to survive one flight, taking two planes on the same day can lead to just one thing.
Plane crash.